DIAS Pierre

DIAS Pierre

Ex postdoctoral fellow
Detailed function: 
Post-doctoral fellow at OT-Med until 2018 followed by a position at Université de Picardie Jules Verne (Amiens): UPJV · CRP-CPO - Centre de recherche en psychologie : cognition, psychisme et organisations
Alexandra Lindenmann (UMR ESPACE), Raquel Bertoldo (UMR ESPACE)
Personal website: 
Project title: 

Marine submersion risk perception in Provence-Alpes-Côtes d’Azur Region (WP1, WP3)

This postdoctoral project was included in the RISKMED projet (OT-Med call for projects 2016): 
Natural risks in the Mediterranean : Hazard, vulnerability, perception and management (RISKMED)
Project leaders: Raquel Bertoldo (ESPACE), Lucilla Benedetti (CEREGE), Alexandra Lindenmann, (ESPACE), Lionel Siame (CEREGE) + LPED, IRSTEA

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