Biotic Interactions (large mammals, Hominins, ecosystems), climate and LAndscape disturbances over the last 3 Ma in Turkey (BILAT)

Project ID Card
Biotic Interactions (large mammals, Hominins, ecosystems), climate and LAndscape disturbances over the last 3 Ma in Turkey (BILAT)
Project Call 
Project Dates 
2018 - 2019
Relevant OT-MED work packages  
Project leader 
Valérie Andrieu-Ponel
Participants or laboratories 

V. Andrieu-Ponel,  D. Belkacem, P. Rochette, F. Demory, M. Perrin, D. Bourlès, A. Lebatard, L. Vidal (CEREGE)
F. Guiter (IMBE)
O. Peyron (Univ. Montpellier)
N. Boulbes (Univ. Perpignan)
M.C. & H Alçiçek, S. Mayda (Univ. Pamukkale, Turkey)
C. Rambeau (Freiburg Univ, Germany)
V. Slon (Univ. Leipzig, Germany)
B. Gambin (Univ. Valletta, Malta)
A. Vialet, A.M. Moigne, C. Falguère, P. Voinchet (Natural History Museum of Paris and Tautavel)
J. Jacob (ISTO Earth Science Institute of Orléans)
S. Nomade (LSCE Environment and Climate Sciences Lab.)

ALKIM and SODAS (Turkish mining companies that provided access to sedimentary archives)

Context & Objectives  

In the Mediterranean part of Turkey, the oldest Homo erectus remains (the Kocabaş Man) were dated to ca 1.2 - 1.6 Ma, documenting one of the main early migratory axis of Hominin populations from Africa to Europe. In the same area, we have access to two exceptional long lacustrine sedimentary core archives of 601 m from Acıgöl in western Turkey and 500 m from Çatal Höyük in central Turkey. Such continuous well-preserved archives are extremely rare; especially ones that allow for the study of the biological, geological and palaeoanthropological aspects in a single area, using a systemic and interdisciplinary approach, leading to a better understanding of the biotic interactions between hominins, large mammals and environmental drivers.

Main Results 

Preliminary large-scale reconstruction of past environments of the last 2,3 Ma in western Anatolia.

Identification of the oldest proto-cereals ever identified to date.

Protoo-cereals and coprophilous fungi spores from Acıgöl dated between 0,871 to 2,28 Ma.

Demory F., Rambeau C., Lebatard A.-E., Perrin M., Blawal S., Andrieu-Ponel V., Alçiçek H., Boulbes N., Bourlès D., Helvaci C., Petschick R., Mayda S., Moigne A.-M., Nomade S., Ponel P., Rochette P., Vialet A., Alçiçek M.C., ASTER Team, 2020. Chronostratigraphy, depositional patterns and climatic imprints in Lake Acig€ol (SW Anatolia) during the Quaternary. Quaternary Geochronology, 56, 101038,
Rausch L., Alçiçek H., Vialet A., Boulbes N., Mayda S., Titov V.V., Stoica M., Charbonnier S., Abels H.A., Tesakov A.S., Moigne A.M., Andrieu-Ponel V., De Franceschi D., Neubauer T.A., Wesselingh F.P., Alçiçek M.C., 2019. An integrated reconstruction of the early Pleistocene palaeoenvironment of Homo erectus in the Denizli Basin (SW Turkey). Geobios, 57, 77-95.