French Mediterranean FOREst functioning in changing environments: how will Climate Change Affect the suSTainable provision of biomass and other ecosystem services? (PICARRO)

Project ID Card
French Mediterranean FOREst functioning in changing environments: how will Climate Change Affect the suSTainable provision of biomass and other ecosystem services? (PICARRO)
Project Call 
Project Dates 
Relevant OT-MED work packages  
Project leader 
Anne Alexandre
Participants or laboratories 

Anne Alexandre  (CEREGE)
in collaboration with LSCE, IMBE, ECOTRON, O3HP

Context & Objectives  

Task1.2 : Evaluate water budget and forest response to water deficit/Acquisition of a laser

This project is part of a broader project (“HUMI-17: Dynamics of continental atmospheric humidity and vegetation response: new insights from the triple isotope composition of oxygen”; partly supported by LEFE (INSU) in 2016 and by the ANR for the 2017-2020 period.

Main Results 

The laser spectrometer (120k€ including its onsite set up), co-funded by OT-Med, was acquired and set up at the O3HP observatory in fall 2018. The spectrometer measures the triple oxygen isotope composition (17O-excess) of the water vapor in continuous mode. In addition to the monitoring of soil water, precipitation and plant water isotope compositions, it is used to investigate how the different environmental parameters combine to drive the evolution of the 17O-excess in the natural water cycle at the soil/plant/atmosphere interface.

This monitoring should help us to better understand how plants respond to water deficit.

Equipment purchased in this project

Alexandre, A., Landais, A., Vallet-Coulomb, C., Piel, C., Devidal, S., Pauchet, S., Sonzogni, C., Couapel, M., Pasturel, M., Cornuault, P., et al. (2018). The triple oxygen isotope composition of phytoliths as a proxy of continental atmospheric humidity: insights from climate chamber and climate transect calibrations. Biogeosciences, 15, 3223–3241