Ex postdoctoral fellow
Detailed function: 
Joined OT-Med through the "Bourses Braudel" scheme
Matthieu Ghilardi (CEREGE)
Personal website: 
Project title: 

The onset of Corsican cultural landscapes in the Aleria Plain (Corsica). Integrated palaeoenvironmental approach (WP3, 2015-2015)

Project description (no results)

Considering landscape as a cultural product resulting from the interactions between humans and the environment, it is accepted that the analysis of past landscape changes can provide valuable information on the evolution of socio-environmental relationship through time. This project aims to provide new insights on the evolution of past Corsica’s Landscapes on the basis of new fossil pollen and NPP analysis of long sedimentary sequences under reliable chronological control. These results will be cross-checked with those provided by sedimentological and geomorphological analyses and archaeology, enabling inter-comparison of hypothesis and complementary discussion of data.

« Fernand Braudel » post-doctoral fellowship on interdisciplinary global change studies co-funded by OT-Med and European program Cofund ( Fondation Maison des Sciences de l’Homme, FMSH, Paris)

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