Tara de Porte, who is research fellow at the Labex OT-Med and at the IMéRA (l'Institut d'Etudes Avancées) of Aix-Marseille University and the Founder and Executive Director of Human Impacts Institute launched in October 2015 Human Impact Stories "Climate Connections" project.

Listen to "Human Impacts Stories Marseille, Climate Connections"" click here

Here are some details :

How do we inspire people to take climate action? What do we need to effectively communicate complex problems and solutions? And who are the people leading the way in our communities? Imagine you could explore these questions, while walking through your city viewing beautiful artwork and listening to great stories. Human Impacts Stories Marseille, which was launched during the arrival of the "Climate Train" and the "Festival of Science" on Sunday, October 11th, did just that by creating a "climate walking tour" of the City of Marseille, where we could all explore climate change in a personal way through the tales of diverse, local people and their perspectives, experience, and actions.

The Human Impact Stories program of the NY-based NGO "Human Impacts Institute (HII)" makes climate science and solutions fun and beautiful, while inspiring each us to do our part by telling the local, personal stories of people taking climate action in diverse ways. Through a combination of visual design, podcasts, and artistic installations, Human Impact Stories make the people behind climate action come to life. Using storytelling as a basis for connecting people with the "why should I care", while also giving us key informatoin we need to take action.

The second series of Human Impact Stories "Climate Connections" shares climate stories from the area around Marseille, France, where Tara DePorte, developed the series, which showcases local researchers and practitioners who are connecting climate change to other issues central to our daily lives. "Research shows that if people are able to personally connect to complex, often overwhelming issues such as climate change, then they are more likely to care and want to be a part of the solution" commented Ms. DePorte. "By both connecting climate change to other issues that we all think about regularly, such as money, food, our health, and also sharing the stories of local people who ARE making a difference, we see a real opportunity for inspiring YOU to get involved."

Listen and share the stories of the first Human Impact Stories series "Climate Heros", about amazing women taking climate action in NYC

Participants and subjects for Human Impact Stories Marseille "Climate Connections"

Facilitator: Tara DePorte, Founder and Executive Director, Human Impacts Institute and visual artist (NYC)

Climate Change, Economics and Migration

  • Mourad Ezzine, Director, Center for Mediterranean Integration

Energy, Transportation and Climate

  • Lounes Tadrist, Directeur, Laboratoire IUSTI “Institut Universitaire des Systèmes Thermiques Industriels” (IUSTI, UMR 7343), Aix-Marseille Université and CNRS

Climate and Society

  • Suzanne de Cheveigne, Directrice de recherche (senior researcher), CNRS, Directrice du Centre Norbert Elias (UMR 8562 CNRS-EHESS-UAPV-AMU)
  • Annick Delhaye (député région, PACA), Vice-Présidente déléguée au Développement soutenable, environnement, énergie et climat de la Région Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur

City and Climate

  • Joël Guiot, Director, LABEX Objectif Terre - Bassin Méditerranéen (OT-MED) and Distinguished Research Fellow (directeur de recherche de classe exceptionnelle) of CNRS (French National Center for Scientific Research)
  • Hubert Mazurek, Director, L'Institut de recherche pour le développement (IRD)

Agriculture and Climate

  • Bernard Seguin, (Retired) Directeur de recherches (classe Ex) à l'INRA (Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique)

Water and Climate

  • Céline Dubreuil-Imbert, Programme Officer for Water, Plan Bleu / UNEP Nicolas Roche, Aix-Marseille University - AMU Coordinator of the AMU's Research Pole "Environment" M2P2, Waste and Wastewater Treatment Team (UMR CNRS 7340)
  • Nicolas Roche, Professeur, Coordinateur du Pôle de recherche interdisciplinaire et intersectoriel "Environnement" de l'Université d'Aix-Marseille

Pollution, Health and Climate Change

  • Dominique Robin, Directeur, Air PACA

Law and Sea-Level Change and Climate Change

  • Marie-Laure Lambert, Maître de conférences HDR – Section CNU: 02, Laboratoire LIEU + CEJU Centre d'Etudes Juridiques d'Urbanisme, Enseignant/chercheur : – Aix-Marseille Université CEJU Centre d'Etudes Juridiques d'Urbanisme
  • Vincent Moron, Professor, Centre Européen de Recherche et d'Enseignement des Géosciences de l'Environnement (CEREGE)

Risk/Perception of Climate Risk

  • Alexandra Schleyer-Lindemman, Maître de Conférences en Psychologie, Aix-Marseille Université / UMR ESPACE 7300 du CNRS, équipe Arbois et Arle-* Xavier Giraud, Maître de Conférences au CEREGE (science du climat)

Governance and Climate Change

  • Sandrine Maljean, Directrice de recherches au CNRS – Directrice du CERIC, CERIC (UMR 7318 DICE CNRS-Aix-Marseille Université), Centre d'Etudes et de Recherches Internationales et Communautaires
  • Nicolas Haeringer, Chargé de campagne, 350 France

Participating Artists

  • Tara DePorte (see above)
  • Marina Galvadão, Climate and Ecosystem Services Specialist and visual artist (Marseille)